Conferencia Java JCONF | Lima Perú 13 de Julio | Jose Luis Bugarin

Este sábado 13 de Julio, en las instalaciones de la Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura de la Universidad San Martin de Porres; se llevara a cabo la conferencia para usuarios y desarrolladores java.

El acceso es gratuito y podrás acceder a dos workshops previa inscripción relacionados a:

  • Java EE on Azure Magic Mystery Show-> Brindado por Reza Rahman

This fast-paced, demo-driven, entirely slide free session will show you the many ways of effectively deploying a Java EE application to Azure. We will start by deploying a local Java EE application to basic IaaS on Azure. We will then deploy the same application to an entirely managed Azure PaaS. Finally we will deploy the application to Azure using Docker and Kubernetes. We will discuss the trade-offs of each approach on the way, offering guidelines for which approach might be best for your application on the cloud. At the end of the session, you will have all the demos on GitHub so you can explore them on your own.  abstract 

  •  Serverless Analytics for Streaming Data and Data Lakes -> Brindado por Frank Munz

This is a beginner to medium level workshop designed to illustrate how to process real-time data streams in a serverless way. In this workshop, we’ll build infrastructure to enable operations personnel at Wild Rydes headquarters to monitor the health and status of their unicorn fleet. Each unicorn is equipped with a sensor that reports its location and vital signs. During this workshop we’ll use AWS to build applications to process and visualize this data in real-time.
During this workshop you can learn about Real-time Data Streaming, Stream Aggregation, Stream Processing and Data Lakes. We’ll use Lambda to process real-time streams, DynamoDB to persist unicorn vitals, Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics to build a serverless application to aggregate data, Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose to archive the raw data to Amazon S3, and Athena to run ad-hoc queries against the raw data.

Solo en PERU, a un costo de 100 soles cada workshop. Para registrarse pueden contactar a:

La agenda ya se encuentra publicada en:

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